Universal Signs - Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces

Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces

The Universal Signs have a philosophical perspective

An "Outside-Looking-In" perspective

The last four signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces make up the group known as the universal signs. These signs have a detached, always-separating quality because their primary focus is not on a direct relationship with the earth or other people in their lives. Instead it's on experiencing themselves as separate from the earth and other people, which can give them a distant feeling. In their desire to pull away from the earthly world and other people, they focus on worldly ideas and ideals or even vague feelings. Of course they consider themselves and the people in their lives, but they view the world from the outside-looking-in perspective.

Understanding and appreciating how the world operates on the grandest scale is primary. They strive to see the big picture when making decisions, and base them on what they consider to be philosophically correct. Their actual behavior doesn't always measure up to their own ideals, but they are always haunted by the knowledge that they should have done things on a more mature, universally correct level.

The universal signs value worldly ideas over
direct interactions with their environment or relationships.

Universal Signs at their Best & Worst...

At Their Best, universal signs strive for a high level of acceptance for the differences between people. They try to live by high moral standards and accept those who don't.

At Their Worst, universal signs hold themselves as though they are above other people or withdraw from the world and other people in search of some kind of universal peace that they never seem to find.

Sagittarius...Self-Expression Through Ideals

Sagittarians create and live in their own world of opinions and ideals. Their need to express these opinions and ideals is a driving force in their lives. They are constantly evaluating and reporting their point of view regarding the state of the world and the actions of other people. Their opinions are strong and they are likely to go out of their way in making their points clear. They will boycott people and places that don't adhere to their ideals and standards just to make their message loud and clear. Obviously, this behavior puts relationships second to the importance of sticking to their standards. Everything is filtered through their philosophical sieve. Direct interaction with the physical world is included. If experiences don't measure up to their philosophy, they aren't necessary. This isn't to say that Sagittarians aren't accepting and forgiving or that they can't be flexible enough to get along in relationships. They are. They realize that their opinions aren't accepted by everyone, but as long as they are given the freedom to express them as they wish, they can get along happily in this world or with any other person.

Read Me: Sagittarius, the sign that refers to the personal belief system and philosophy of life.

Capricorn...Physical Experience Through Ideals

This universal, earth sign strives to grasp the greater meaning in our physical existence. Experiencing the physical, earthly world from a universal point of view is a bit of a paradox. Very much an earth sign, they see things plainly and know how to navigate in our physical world, but they are never satisfied with just accepting the purely physical existence. Their universal point of view keeps them searching for more and asking why. Why are we here? What are we supposed to accomplish?

This universal, earth perspective makes Capricorns commonly interested in anything metaphysical. They are always torn between the physical world and the possibilities of greater meaning. Stemming from this struggle is a common theme for Capricorn, self-deprivation. A desire to put themselves above the physical world and have the ability to control it is found in their ability to exert will power and resist earthly temptations. Restraint, and control over their earthly desires is how they put themselves above the physical world and maintain their universal perspective.

Related: The Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Taurus...Direct Physical Experience

Taurus wants a direct experience with the tangible world that is as rich as possible. Physical sensation in the form of touch, hearing, taste and sight are extremely satisfying to them. They seek out these sensations constantly in the form of fine foods, fabrics, music, and art. Taurus prefers to find their own way in life that provides them with a straight line between them and their environment where they can find enjoyment in these pleasures. They don't need other people to provide these things to them or to interpret them. They are the primary and ultimate judges of what is pleasurable in their world. An appreciation of nature is found as it is easy to interact directly with nature and have one-on-one experiences with the beauty the physical world provides in the form of scenery, and other sensory input.

Also Read: Taurus and Taurus Compatibility: Two Lovers Entwined

Aquarius...Thinking Through Ideals

As an air sign, Aquarius is quite at home in the universal arena of the zodiac. Putting thoughts and ideas into the universal realm of ideals and philosophies is easy for Aquarius. This sign is truly the leader of this group. Putting intellectual principals before direct physical needs or relationships is second nature for Aquarius. In fact, their greatest weakness is letting this go too far.

Lacking an earthy sensitivity in these areas is a common pitfall for Aquarius. It's so easy for them to stick to ideals that they can forget the other signs don't have their same conviction and need a little patience and understanding. Aquarius doesn't filter their behavior or ideas through other people, but more than any sign, they do try the hardest to treat other people well. Their standards are high and other people always benefit from their strict adherence to them. Aquarius will sacrifice their own earthly desires in favor of their ideals and these ideals are always for the benefit of other people.