Aries Rising - Ascendant in Aries

Your first approach to your environment is to attack it. Aries Rising makes you act first and ask questions later. As a result, your style of handling situations, particularly new ones, is an aggressive one. It involves taking charge of the situation, marshaling your actions and figuring out exactly what needs to be done. So, as soon as you enter a room, you’re apt to dominate it. Aries Rising people, therefore, make quite a strong impression on others. Your go-to role is that of a little soldier, blazing a trail through whatever environment you find yourself in. Others just have to be careful to not get burned. You have quite an explosive presence that might come on a bit too strong, at times.

A perfect example of an Aries Rising is Chris Rock, who has his Moon conjunct this Ascendant. Not only does this brilliantly brash comedian display this placement through his outspoken, in-your-face standup, but through his equally fiery manner. It’s no surprise that he has such a habit of yelling on-stage. Like your Aries Rising twin, you just want to make sure that other people hear what you have to say. Even if you’re not particularly loud, there’s still an assertiveness to your demeanor that is very noticeable and clear. You have an air about you that says that you want to get right to the point, with no beating around the bush. There can even be something rather confrontational, at times, about the way that you carry yourself. It’s as if you’re looking for some sort of fight. Aries Rising folks exude that fighting spirit, coming off as ferocious and vigorous enough to take on just about any opponent.

This athleticism defines your manner, whether or not you are actually athletic. But, the chances of that are quite high with this Ascendant. You enjoy breaking a sweat and might often seem like you’ve just run half a mile, even when you just strolled around the corner. People may regularly ask why you seem out of breath. Aries Rising emanates a tremendous deal of energy. If there are planets conjunct your Ascendant, you project them with a highly dynamic, bold style. Chris embodies the firecracker aura of this placement, as if he’s constantly about to burst. You give off this impression that there’s only so much time left before you explode again, even if you’re feeling perfectly calm. You don’t project much calm. Instead, you always seem impatient and in a hurry. Aries Rising people’s walk is a distinct, strident march and suggests that you’re two seconds away from shoving everyone aside. Your mannerisms are highly impulsive and indelicate. You might constantly break things or get into frequent accidents. Your default facial expression is determined, maybe even a bit tense or angry-looking, seeming to silently dare others to challenge you.

A competitive edge creeps in whenever you’re meeting someone, even if you don’t mean for it to. Aries Rising individuals really size up new people, trying to figure out their mettle as well as test them and see how they stand up to them. So, you might be a bit aggressive when breaking the ice, engaging in friendly trash talk, for example, right off the bat. But, your aggressiveness is usually your way of overcompensating for your fears or insecurities. You hate succumbing to insecurity and hate even more for someone to get the impression that you’re weak. So, Aries Rising folks are very courageous while introducing themselves. The sheer process of introducing yourself is an assertive one. You’re that classic person who boldly struts up to talk to someone, while everyone else is too scared to. So, you can make a first impression of being someone who’s got some serious balls.