Polarities in Astrology - Two sides of the same coin

Polarities: Two sides of the same coin...
Each sign has its counter opposite.

The signs are paired up with their opposites to form six polarities showing how opposites are actually more similar than they are different. Like different sides of the same coin, the same issues are at play, but from opposing viewpoints. A great deal of insight is gained by looking at the zodiac this way and understanding how all of the signs work together. "Self versus Others" and "Private versus Public" are the dynamics with polarities. It's a matter of balance. For every area of life, there has to be balance between me and you, or the public world and the private world. Each polarity deals with a certain area of life and each polarity is a balancing act between each side.

Aries & Libra: Autonomy & Compromise
This first polarity deals with the most simplistic form of "Self versus Other". It literally deals with self versus other. Do you serve your own needs first or those of others first? Whether you are an Aries or a Libra you will be walking the tightrope between these two extremes. In any given scenario, you will find yourself analyzing whether you serve yourself or the other person. Aries can be just as giving as a Libra can be selfish. The point is that they focus on this issue. They consider it often and it is central in their decision making.

Taurus & Scorpio: Wealth & Values
The second polarity deals with acquiring and controlling wealth and values.
Both signs focus on the control of wealth and values. The pendulum swings back and forth between your own wealth and values versus the wealth and values of others. Both will deal with what's mine and yours when it comes to physical possessions and mental possessions, otherwise known as what is valued. Both signs are very concerned with who has control. Taurus can stubbornly hold onto their possessions until they accumulate so much their houses are filled with a lifetime of them, or they can stubbornly hold onto beliefs, values and opinions until they become the person no one wants to get into "that" discussion with because you know it is going to be the same old one-sided conversation. Scorpio can literally be so afraid of giving up control of their wealth and values that they remain single for fear of making the compromise. These are both extreme examples, but they are useful in making the point. The theme for these signs is my wealth and values versus yours.

Gemini & Sagittarius: Knowledge & Truth
This third polarity is about knowledge. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are searching for knowledge. The difference lies in what kind of knowledge they are interested in, how they search for it, and what they do with it. Gemini is more concerned with tangible facts in the immediate environment. Gemini will know figures and statistics. They may be quick with math, or have a natural understanding of computers. They can spot loopholes that can make you money, and are always current on news reports and local gossip. Sagittarius won't focus on the facts and figures, but they will interpret what the facts and figures mean. The Gemini will list the facts. The Sagittarius will philosophize their impact and search for greater truth behind them. Gemini wants to know what makes the clock tick. Sagittarius wants to know the relevance of time itself.

Cancer & Capricorn: Security & Family
This polarity deals with the most simplistic form of "Private versus Public". Here we deal with security found in your private, family life versus security obtained in the outside world through the public and career. Cancer looks for security in one-to-one relationships and families. Capricorn looks for security in the outside world through career and status. Cancer cares very much about having people who they can trust and count on. Capricorn will always be the person you count on, and looks for the security that enables them to be that person in their career or sometimes, more simply, just from money or a position of high status. Both are focused on security for themselves and their family, but Cancer is more comfortable creating a secure environment in the home by cooking and mothering. Capricorn is more comfortable creating a secure environment by ensuring an income and a place in the world at large.


Leo & Aquarius: Creativity & Self Expression
The fifth polarity centers around your creativity and talents and how they are used, shared and interpreted. Whether it is a talent or a learned skill, Leo and Aquarius relish in developing, enjoying and sharing it. Leo does it to earn the approval of others and Aquarius does it regardless of the approval of others. Leo will create a piece of art and put it out into the world hoping people enjoy and like it. Aquarius will create a piece of art to express what they like regardless of you. The response from others is irrelevant. If people don't like it, it's because they don't understand, and Aquarius will patiently persist until they do. Aquarius's unemotional disregard for the opinions of others enables them to create and express freely. They are often admired for their independence of thought and expression. This independent spirit allows them to function seamlessly in groups without concern of judgment tying them down. Leo wants to create for fun and to be proud of themselves. They relish positive feedback and use it to hone their skills. Both signs want to contribute to the world by creating and expressing. The difference is the motivation for creating, and the regard for the feedback they receive.

Virgo & Pisces: Details & Service
Both signs want to serve, but the difference is how they deal with the details. Virgo often can't see the forest for the trees and Pisces can't see the trees for the forest. Virgo concentrates on details. They notice the details, and often focus on them so much that they miss the big picture. Pisces is the opposite. If you ever want to see the bad side of a Pisces, trap them with details. Force them to deal with trivial matters like that speck of dirt on the counter, or how they were five minutes late to a meeting or how they told that story about last summer wrong. On the other hand, you will also frustrate a Virgo by demanding that they ignore the details. Purposely make a mess of the check book or misplace their keys and watch the frustration build. These rank right up at the top as a few of the nicest signs, so go easy on them. They really just want to help and usually in a very kind, compassionate and forgiving way. Put Pisces in charge of running the big picture and free them up from dealing with details. They will shine. Allow Virgo to organize and take charge of the details. They will do nothing but help with a smile. Together they can put your whole life in order.