Which Star Signs Is Virgo Most Compatible With?

Which Star Signs does Virgo get along with most easily? What are the best – and the worst – compatibility matches for Virgo? Which Star Signs should a Virgo man or woman date?

Virgo Compatibility 
Virgo natives are practical, order-loving individuals that possess a strong need to feel valued and useful when it comes to all the major aspects of their lives. They are also logical, clever, detail-oriented folks who hold themselves (and everyone else as well) to very high standards. Virgos believe that if something is worth doing at all, then it ought to be worth doing right. They are dutiful and responsible, never the type of people to feel comfortable shirking responsibility – even on a temporary basis – and they are at their best when they have plenty on their plate to keep them busy.

Virgo natives are also notorious for their sometime tendency to be fussy, nitpicky, and over-critical of everyone and everything around them, which can often be irritating to others. However, this quality can sometimes manifest itself as a great love and respect for diligence and hard work instead. When it comes to romance compatibility astrology, Virgos often mesh best with either fellow earth signs, or complimentary water signs.

Virgo Zodiac Sign, Virgo Dates
Signs Most Compatible With Virgo 

Taurus: Both Taurus and Virgo are individuals who tend to be more introverted and prefer to stick close to home as opposed to going out frequently to socialize. Virgo’s attention to detail compliments Taurus’s focus on security and vice versa. Although it’s important for both Virgo and Taurus to make sure they exercise patience when it comes to one another, this is a wonderful astrology love match that can make for a comfortable, harmonious union.

Cancer: Although these signs share many differences, they are actually incredibly well suited for one another. Virgo’s practicality when it comes to all matters compliments Cancer’s natural depth of emotion and need for security. Each one brings something different to the table making for a balanced, even relationship. Both Cancer and Virgo natives are also deeply caring individuals that love to dote upon their partners, making this a union full of consideration and compassion.

Capricorn: Virgo and Capricorn have a tendency to be just like two peas in a pod when it comes to many things. They are both hard-working, diligent individuals who place a strong degree of importance on intellectualism and conservative living. Their outlooks in regards to their social life as a couple are similar as well, with both of them preferring quality over quantity when it comes to their circle. It is easy for these two to see eye to eye when it comes to all the major points of the relationship, making their union a harmonious one built to stand the test of time.

What About Another Virgo? 

So what about another VIRGO as a good compatibility match? On the plus side, you’ll definitely know what makes them tick, since they embody so many aspects of yourself. Especially with a Virgo of the opposite sex, the chances are you’ll be strongly attracted to their best Virgoan qualities – like their intelligence, efficiency and surprising modesty.

But because we don’t tend to like our bad points when we see them reflected in somebody else, there will also be things about Virgo people – most likely their obsessive nit-picking and fault-finding – that you’ll positively hate! If so, better take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror!

Signs Least Compatible With Virgo 

Gemini: These are two signs that have a great tendency to bring out the worst in each other. Gemini sees Virgo as incredibly dull and boring while Virgo sees Gemini as too impractical and flighty. Virgo’s rigidity further clashes with the Geminian penchant for fickleness, often causing Gemini to look elsewhere when things begin to sour. In most cases, this is not a love match built to endure over time.

Libra: A Virgo native’s tendency to be critical and demanding when it comes to the very exacting standards they live by will soon become a nuisance to fun-loving, easy-going Libra. Libra’s seeming flightiness and wishy-washiness will not sit well with accomplishment-oriented Virgo. The two will also find it difficult to get along sexually as well, as Virgo is far more interested in making money while Libra is the one that’s all about making love. Fickle Libra may eventually decide to look for greener pastures elsewhere. This match makes for an extremely complicated relationship in which it will be difficult to find a balance.

Aries: Although this pairing can be made to work with a proper amount of dedication on either side, these two are primarily too headstrong and stubborn in their own ways for things to run very smoothly. Aries likes to be the leader in all things and be the one to call all the shots, while Virgo very definitely has its own way it like things to be done. Aries may also find Virgo’s enigmatic, less direct style when it comes to sexuality to be frustrating.

Read Me:  Why Aquarius and Virgo are a Good Match

Why Opposites Attract 

Rather than someone who conflicts with you, Virgo, what you’re really looking for, from a Star Sign compatibility point of view, is the kind of person who is able to balance or complement you in some way. For this reason, the sign diametrically opposite your own, i.e. PISCES, can be a great compatibility match for you, Virgo.

Opposite Star Signs are often magnetically attracted to each other, their strong yin-yang polarity giving them the potential to complete each other like two halves of a perfect whole. When dating a Pisces, hard-working, conscientious Virgo can benefit from its opposite sign’s more passive and laid-back approach. Virgo’s critical tendencies are less likely to upset people when it has sweetly forgiving Pisces by its side.

Neighboring Star Signs 

Although Virgo is quite different from its immediate neighbors, LEO and LIBRA, in reality it can relate quite well to – and frequently enjoys quite a good level of compatibility with – these Star Signs. This is because people whose Sun sign is Virgo often have Mercury or Venus – which can never be far from the Sun – in the preceding or following signs of Leo or Libra. Many Virgo-Leo or Virgo-Libra couples will therefore embody a number of each other’s characteristics and have far more in common than you might initially expect.

Virgo Compatibility ‘Wild Card’ 

Virgo: Although two Virgos are better than one when it comes to getting things done and getting them done right, they must take care that their mutual need to each have things their own way doesn’t get in the way of the greater good. Compromise is the watchword here. If the two can learn to master it, then this relationship stands an excellent chance of success.

Pisces: This is a pairing that can literally go either way. On one hand, Virgo’s practical approach to life can help give dreamy Pisces a sense of stability. Pisces’s imagination can add a whole new dimension to Virgo’s world that they’d never imagined was possibly before. On the other hand, Virgo’s perfectionism and nitpickiness can clash badly with Pisces’s need to have their partner meet boundless ideals. Success depends on the ability of the pair to meet each other halfway.

Virgo Best Compatibility Match: CAPRICORN*
Virgo Worst Compatibility Match: SAGITTARIUS*

*Assuming both people are entirely ‘true to type’ and not allowing for moderating influences in their birth charts.

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