The Dark Side of Sagittarius: Showoffy, Infantile, Obsessive, Sinister

Sagittarians like Britney Spears, born on a Dec. 2, or Miley Cyrus, born on Nov. 23, can be fantastically successful, especially at a young age. But upon reaching stardom these young celebrities too often show boundless immaturity. They become spoiled babies who won't grow up, believing they know it all. They absolutely must be the center of attention, even if they have to go as far as threatening to kill themselves to get it.

Sagittarians, who are generally energetic and likable, love to be part of groups and organizations because it gives them an immediate audience. They really can't handle being alone.

For example, Frank Sinatra needed a personal staff of 75 people to feel comfortable. One was paid to do nothing except carry the suitcase containing his toupees.

Less talented Sagittarians are often just as stagestruck as the great ones, hanging around theaters, churches, festivals, sports arenas, or social media sites. They tend to frequent any venue where people might accumulate. If there is no audience, Sagittarians are masters at quickly stirring one up by singing, being obnoxious, faking an illness, or forcing a houseful of guests into the den to watch a movie or TV show.

What Do Sagittarians Want?
Sagittarians make up some of the greatest legends in the entertainment industry, such as:
  • Richard Pryor
  • Woody Allen
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Jim Morrison
  • Little Richard
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Britney Spears
  • Snooki
  • Anna Nicole Smith
  • Rod Blagojevich
Sagittarians Can Be Shockingly Prejudiced

As class clowns and office divas (maybe with super long, tiger-striped nails), Sagittarians might seem superficial. It may come as a surprise, but this is not the case: Sagittarius is the sign of the thinker. The ignorant ones invent or buy into rigid belief systems that provide answers for everything, and will preach all night that that the cure for bad government is Jesus or unions or union-busting. To them, any other point of view is not only wrong, it is evil. They can be shockingly prejudiced. One Sagittarian family member of mine insists that a secret organization inside the Vatican is plotting for a one-world government and the Euro is part of the plot.

We must give them credit for clinging to unpopular views, as did Sagittarian Jane Fonda, born Dec. 21, on the issue of the war in Vietnam. She staged her support in such a way that forty years later the star is still derided as “Hanoi Jane.” Luckily, Sagittarians are adaptable, and Fonda bounced back to rule 1980s America with her workout videos. Sagittarians love to either work out or talk about working out. Like Tauruses, their strongest relationships are with sports and hobbies. Unlike Tauruses, they are generous, but only when people are watching.
Sagittarians Pretend to Be Incapable

Negative Sagittarians tend to have one-note personalities. They don’t mature and don’t want to. They basically want to be waited on like a baby and treated like they are the center of the universe. It's entirely possible that underneath that sparkling Sagittarian skin might be rot. Slender, fit Jane Fonda was bulimic, for example. A Sagittarian date once bored me with this monologue: “I hate my mother. I hate my father. I’m from Springfield. I hate Springfield ...” The irony is that he couldn’t understand why women and coworkers didn't like him.

You should pity yourself if you have Sagittarian coworkers. You may never get the chance to, though, because they were likely laid off already for doing nothing, coming into work hung over, or taking time off to go to comic conventions or conferences where everyone's equally obsessed with one idea. Even if it's about social justice, the Sagittarian attends such events for the sole purpose of being seen.

Negative Sagittarians feel as if they are the only people who have ever been hurt, sick, addicted, or stalked. They will mention and dramatize their trauma every opportunity they get. They also mistake attention for love and flattery. Being ready to do anything to achieve stardom, they are open exploitation by unsavory people. But once they become famous, they have a hard time coping with their new lives.