The Difference Between Scorpio Sun and Moon

The traits are the same just expressed in different areas. 
  • Sun - life purpose, personality, ego, vitality, style, reflects present 
  • Moon - instincts, sense of security, unconscious, basic habits, deepest needs, reflects past
The sun sign is more apparent to others, while the moon sign is felt more on the inside. This makes a Scorpio sun a more shallow, outward representation of the sign than the Scorpio moon, which has more depth and is felt more on the inside.

Astrology Scorpio Sun and Moon, Horoscope

Neither the Scorpio sun or moon will ever allow anyone to do them harm and get away with it. Scorpio's essence is self-protective, but more importantly, it is retaliatory. Don't be fooled by Scorpio's seemingly quiet, patient way. Scorpios have big egos. They cannot be outdone, ridiculed, or taken advantage of by another human being without feeling like the world has just shifted on its axis and action must be taken to right the wrong. Although Leo has the reputation for having the biggest ego, Scorpio's ego trumps Leo's every time. Leo wants to make a good impression, so it's really only appearances that matter. With a Scorpio, there is an intense need to feel that their ego is strong and in tact on the deepest, inner-most, emotional level, and nothing feeds their ego like power.

It is useful to look at this dynamic, which is present in both the Scorpio sun and moon, in order to see how they experience it differently, and see how it sets them apart. It's easy to see it with a Scorpio sun who wears this dynamic in their personality. For the Scorpio moon, it's not as obvious, but they actually feel it more intensely.

Watch how easily a Scorpio person, especially an older, Scorpio sun-sign person can slip into a superior-like mode of communicating. Give them a person who is in a subservient position to them, like a waiter or a store clerk.

The power is theirs due to the nature of the situation, and without realizing it, they start using a condescending tone. They have a way of speaking that exudes a high confidence level, which is way out of proportion and unnecessary for the situation or person at hand.

This is the quiet, yet huge, Scorpio ego at play, and everything is fine until someone decides to call them out on it. If the waiter decides to give up on any hope of a tip and would rather give the Scorpio a piece of their own medicine, you see the Scorpio aghast. How dare anyone speak to them that way! They are really unaware of how they come across to people. Their egos are so embedded in their psyche, that they are blind to them. They don't see their ego until someone pushes back at them. This scenario is more obvious in the Scorpio sun than the Scorpio moon, because the sun has more of an outer expression, while the moon is felt more internally.
The Scorpio moon person plays this out in a more subtle way. They do it in close relationships rather than with strangers or acquaintances. They aren't so obvious about it and don't need to use words like the Scorpio sun. Rather, their whole way of relating to people exhibits their big ego, and it cannot be conquered.

They constantly make power plays in relationships and are always gauging their level of control and power. The Scorpio moon makes the Scorpio sun's ego, which is displayed with their outward communication style, look rather harmless.

While the Scorpio sun wants to come across as powerful, the Scorpio moon needs to know they are powerful.

So, although the Scorpio sun may appear to be more of a power driven and control seeking person than the Scorpio moon, it's only because they are wearing this need on the outside, through their personality. The Scorpio moon may not seem to need as much control and power in interactions, but when you dig deeper and the relationship gets closer, you come to realize that they need control and power much more intensely than the Scorpio sun. They are more afraid of having it taken from them and they need it more deeply.

This dynamic also makes the Scorpio moon more guarded in their self-expression than the Scorpio sun. They are more afraid of getting hurt, or having their ego bruised than the suns. Because the Scorpio moon is more careful and sensitive to threats than the sun, the Scorpio moon is less open about their feelings, and less willing to discuss them than the Scorpio sun.