Gemini Zodiac Facts

The Symbol of "Twins"

Gemini's described as the sign of The Twins.. Why? The twins represent a dual type of mind, someone who sees both sides of a question and jumps with interest to every new idea presented.

Gemini Zodiac Facts
  • Some things you don't often hear about a Gemini: How emotional they can be. 
  • Gemini: Don't play with their emotions because yes they do feel things even if they don't show it. 
  • A Gemini naturally build walls around themselves when it comes to discussing things on a personal level. 
  • When a Gemini isn't being funny they can be critical. 
  • As a Gemini you're a little quicker to grasp ideas and smarter in using them. 
  • As a Gemini you never worry about the reactions of others, especially if they seem to take offense with nearly everything you do. 
  • A Gemini is here to communicate 
  • Gemini: The clever one with a question to everything. 
  • Gemini: Probably smarter than everyone in the room. 
  • With a Gemini: Never get in a routine, try new things with them. 
  • A Gemini will tell you every single thing you need to know. 
  • As a Gemini you always have something extremely interesting to say so you never run out of things to talk about. 
  • Geminis seem to be so perfect one second and then morph into someone completely different the next minute. 
  • Geminis are really annoyed when someone tries to paint them as a bad person in every situation. 
  • Things your Gemini friend will say: Don't you get tired of doing the same thing day in and day out? 
  • When a Gemini is frustrated they become really argumentative and sarcastic. 
  • A Gemini gets really irritated with not being able to text or call. 
  • How to get on a Gemini bad side: Be repetitive and controlling. 
  • A Gemini is like a bee when they attack. 
  • Geminis are good at staying positive in a room full of haters. 
  • A Gemini needs a lover who can take a joke and know how to have fun every now and then. 
  • A Gemini doesn't like to be brought down by other people problems so they distance themselves at the first sign of negativity. 
  • Gemini like to stay alert and active so sitting around doing nothing really irritates them. 
  • Geminis like movies and books that keep them mentally engaged. 
  • Don't ever tell a Gemini to be quiet unless you want problems. 
  • Expect to engage in a lot of conversation and laughter with a Gemini and always be busy, busy, busy! 
  • Geminis are the type of friend you want by your side for life's adventures. They are always down to hang, no matter what the situation is. 
  • Beware of trying to control a Gemini because they can't be tamed. 
  • As a Gemini you're quick with your words so your opponent never have enough time for a response. 
  • Geminis are funny in their own little way and never have to act too wild and crazy for attention. 
  • If a Gemini deem you untrustworthy and boring you automatically will lose their attention. 
  • Geminis don't agonize over setbacks, but rather focus on finding a solution.

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