Different Signs in Relationships

It’s said that the key is to find the ying to your yang, meaning that certain star signs could bring something to the relationship that you lack and vice-versa. Others say that when you are looking for a partner, it’s a good idea to have a look at those that are the best suited and what your star sign expects a loving relationship to be like. On the other hand, regardless of star signs, many relationships could stand the test of time or not work at all. There are only two ways it can go!

Dating and relationships can be complicated for many different reasons, but what if one of those reasons was due to your sign? You heard me, one reason why you’re all by yourself could be based on your astrological sign...

Aries is the one who needs someone that can keep up with their level of energy. They’re very sexual and enjoy the thought of sex in general. They often have a passion towards sports or something similar and they like to share it. They need someone, who will go to places with them and they admire spontaneous people. If Aries wants something, they will fight for it. They love passionately and deeply.

Taurus is known to be very good lover between the sheets. Whether it’s true or not, they’re a bit slower with emotions like love. They need stability in their life and they like to work for their home and things they love. They enjoy more earthly pleasures, things they can touch and feel. They need someone who wants to build a home with them and respects what they have.

Gemini is probably the fastest moving sign and others might have a hard time to keep up with them. They live mostly in their head and they’re talkative, spontaneous and independent. Gemini is also very sexual sign and they enjoy trying new things. They’re looking for the soulmate that they can share things with, but who also respects their own time and place. They get really interested, if someone seems smart and passionate. Someone, who calms their anxious mind a bit, without trying to suffocate them, would get to know the generous and caring Gemini.

Cancer is the sign, who really wants to be in love. They’re very emotional and gets hurt quite easily, so they really need someone who is there for them and respects them and their deep emotions as they are. They want to protect and care for you and they expect the same back from their partner. If that doesn’t happen, they will go and find it elsewhere. They also have super intense eyes, just saying.

Leo needs an audience. For some people that means that they’re self centered and Leo usually wouldn’t give a flying fuck about those souls. They like someone who laughs at their jokes and respects their need of attention. They also go for someone unique and special in their mind. To Leo, sex is very important part of the relationship, because it makes them feel connected. They’re warm and generous people, who love with deep passion. They’re also very proud of their loved ones and want to show their special people to others.

Virgo is incurable perfectionist and they’re all about learning and passing the information along. They want to succeed financially and they are often very hard on themselves. They usually have something specific they’re looking for and however perfect you might be, if you don’t have that one thing, they’re not interested. They need someone that makes them feel needed, someone they can make the way they want their partner to be. Virgo makes their partner work hard for themselves and even tho the relationship might not last forever, it’s always a learning experience if anything.

Libra is looking for balance and they’re smart, social and they want to connect people. They’re very romantic and deeply caring about people that are special to them. They often feel that they need to have a relationship to be complete and for that reason many Libras experience some kind of violence. For them it would be good to experience life on their own before anything else. They need someone who makes them see the more spontaneous side of life and that they can balance. Libra is someone who wants to feel loved and they need someone they can connect with in deeper level.

Scorpio has a need to control. They can be really dominating and with a wrong influence it can turn out to be very disastrous relationship. They have a need to connect in a special way and they feel so very deeply that if they have a feeling that their partner is not on the same level, they can get profoundly hurt and they have a hard time getting back to not feeling this way. With right person, they are most loving and caring partner and they will be there for you for whatever you need to have someone for, and even more.

Also Read: 10 Things That Drive Your Horoscope Sign Crazy

Sagittarius has a good sense of adventure and they’re always looking for new experiences. They want to learn new things and they hate being bored. If they feel like you’re not worth their while, you really can’t do anything about it. Sagittarius is also a very passionate sign and they have a lot of dreams to succeed in life. They’re really open minded and sharp, and often they find their partner from different cultures. They need someone who can keep up with them and someone who makes them feel special.

Capricorn really needs someone who is ready to respect how much they want and need to work. They have a hard time showing how they feel, so often times Capricorn shows it in the way they know how to; working for financially good and stable life. That is what they need, they don’t want to worry about money. If they have a partner that sparks and understand them, they will eventually find different ways of showing their love. If Capricorn decides to be with someone, they will be there for their partner.

Aquarius worries about the world. They’re people, who often feel like they don’t belong in where ever they are. They’re very smart and know a lot more about things than anyone would expect. Aquarius can be very passionate and they need someone who respects their interests and shows that they are actually interested in them. It is very important to them.

Pisces is someone who can easily understand how others feel. They’re really kind and caring people who get often misunderstood. They can adapt in different vibes and situations and they need someone who can understand them and balance their nature a little. They’re deeply artistic and that is something very important to them. They don’t want to feel left behind, so don’t mess with their feelings.