The Emotional Nature of Cancer Moon

When the Moon is in the emotional water sign of Cancer, the native will likely be very in-tune with their feelings and emotions. This could often cause the Cancer Moon native to become self-absorbed since they’re so focused on their emotional state of being. They rarely forget anything that has hurt them or caused them an emotional disruption. In fact, a Cancer Moon may dwell upon emotional wounds a great deal longer than many other Moon Signs. Fortunately, Cancer tends to also be empathetic and this may enable them to relate to others well. It’s also an advantage of them when it comes to emotional depth and identifying emotional deficits in superficial statements. Due to this emotional advantage, Cancer Moons either have artistic or musical talent or a profound appreciation of the arts.

These natives tend to have a well-developed sense of humor that could even be classified as “eccentric” but nevertheless quite comical. This moon sign is often thought to be erratic from their mood swings to their outlook on life. This instability in self-expression may cause a confusion for others until a sufficient rapport has been cultivated. Fortunately, Cancer is a dependable sign and therefore Cancer tends to be reliable to others regardless of their mood swings. The mood swings could often be influenced by external stimuli. The Cancer moon is incredibly susceptible to outside influence. It’s not uncommon for Cancer Moon to adopt an opinion or stance promoted to them and then change their views and stance when another–even an opposing stance–is advocated to them. This is especially so since they may have a great deal of difficulty expressing themselves and find it easier to adopt the stance of those around them.

The Cancer Moon is devoted and often accommodating to their partners. It’s in their nature to be demonstrative of their affections. They do not want a superficial relationship, crave emotional intimacy and can be quite manipulative people. Their insecurities often leads to emotional hiccups with their lovers and they often feel they’re taken for granted. There is a good chance of profound possessiveness and jealousies in love. They’re also rather sensitive and can be easily wounded regardless if the offense was with intent. This sign is not known for being forthright such as an Aries Moon sign, a Cancer Moon is reluctant to address issues and may make subtle hints at their dismay or concerns instead. When the Cancer Moon feels understood by their partner and secure in their relationship, there is bound to be an abundance of tenderness, warmth and doting affection bestowed upon their partner

Cancer Moon natives tend to prefer peace, quiet and tranquil environments. Therefore, their home must be comfortable, secure and familiar. With the emotional depths of the moon in the Homemaker of the Zodiac (Cancer), the natives have a soft spot for their home life, family, friends and their material possessions. This placement of the moon often makes natives rather protective over their families; spouse, love, children, parents, etc.

Many with this moon tend to be socially awkward and rather shy around people they’re not well acquainted with. They also find themselves uncomfortable in new situations and environments since they do not enjoy change. Once Cancer Moon gets acquainted and adjusts to their setting then they’re more outgoing, friendly and at ease.
It’s not uncommon for Cancer Moon signs to lack motivation or drive. This is true even though these natives often do set goals and objectives for their relationships and for their personal path. The main problem is they tend to get in their own way from time to time. They’re moon is indeed in the Homemakers archetype but they could still be rather sloppy and disorganized. This is mostly due to the sentimental weight they develop around material or tangible items they’ve collected. They’re naturally good at hording since they do not enjoy releasing anything they’re emotionally attached to; including toxic relationships.

Since Cancer Moons are extremely nurturing. Their careers or contributions to their community may entail philanthropy, volunteering, fundraising while exhibiting compassionate behavior. Their big hearts tend to cause them to approach others outside of their families and adopt them into their family. The emotional weight of the moon in the watery, emotional and domestic house of Cancer could also be a recipe for emotional mayhem in their lives. They could develop vulnerabilities in love and enter into codependent relationships.

Since Cancer possesses a profoundly domestic nature, the Moon natives tend to excel at any and all activities that improve the home environment. This includes domestic tasks such as gardening, culinary arts and decorating. They also tend to decorate in a festive manner for holidays and pay special attention to color schemes and patterns. They’re often rather particular about cooking and could be high critics that take profound pride in their abilities. This high association with food may influence the Cancer Moon native to indulge in comfort foods. Food addiction may develop from consoling emotions thru the consumption of food.