Relationships: Compatibility and Attraction...

People want what they don't have. We are strongly attracted to whatever is lacking or missing from our natal chart.

If you find yourself constantly attracted to Cancers, look at your chart. Do you have any water in your chart? Is your sun or moon sign a water sign? Probably not. You are attracted to Cancers because they give you the water you are missing and that you need. 

It is nearly impossible to have a perfectly balanced chart. Something will be lacking. Whether it's water, earth, air or fire, at least one of these elements is not going to be well represented in your chart. This is the element you will look for in other people. The people who have the most of it, will be the most attractive to you.

Attraction: You Complete Me... 
When you find someone who has the signs and elements you are missing, you feel attraction. 

That person will have your missing puzzle piece and will be attractive to you. Look at your sun, moon and personal planet (Mercury, Venus, Mars) signs. Are they fire and earth for example? If so, you are missing air and water. 

A person with an air or water sun or moon sign will help complete you. They will provide your missing element. This will feel exciting and you will feel drawn to them. They will give you that certain energy that you are lacking. You literally need what the other person has.  

  • If you are missing water, you are attracted to water sign people.
  • If you are missing air, you are attracted to air sign people.
  • If you are missing earth, you are attracted to earth sign people.
  • If you are missing fire, you are attracted to fire sign people.
Compatibility:We are so Much Alike...

Compatibility is about understanding one another. You both have the same basic outlook on life, way of communicating or basis for your feelings. This works best when the two people have the same planets in the same elements, such as, both suns in fire, or both moons in air.

Anytime you are relating to someone whose chart is strong in the same element as yours, there will be a mutual understanding and ease of communication.

Moon Signs in the Same Element...

Moons in the same sign or element share deep understanding and a high comfort level. The moon represents the deeper you. An earth moon will have a deeper understanding of another earth moon, than they will of a fire or water moon. Moons sharing the same sign or element will naturally get each other. 

There will be a mutual understanding of motivations, feelings and needs. For this reason, deeper friendships and romantic relationships benefit the most from sharing a common moon sign or moon sign element. In fact, compatible moon signs are the best indicator of a long, successful marriage. These can be relationships that are simply smooth sailing for a lifetime. There is such an ease of relating because your deepest feelings are similar. 

Attraction With Compatibility:The Magic Formula...
If you are in a relationship that has attraction and compatibility, congratulations!

When each person provides the element the other is missing or lacking and the remaining elements are the same, you have attraction and compatibility. If you both have Aries suns, for example, and your rising or moon signs each satisfy the other's missing or lacking element, you will have attraction and compatibility.

For long-term, romantic relationships, the strongest combination is found when the moons are in the same sign or element, and when the sun and rising signs of each person satisfy the other person's missing or lacking element. These relationships will have the strength of compatibility to weather difficulties and the passion of attraction to always make the relationship alive and fun.

Attraction Without Compatibility:The Difficult Relationship...

At times we find ourselves in relationships with extremely high levels of attraction, but there is no compatibility. These relationships can be complicated and dramatic. There are many powerful feelings because of the attraction, but the lack of compatibility causes arguments and misunderstandings. You want each other, but the relationship doesn't work because you don't understand each other.

The differing elements in your natal charts causes attraction, but they also cause disagreements. A certain level of compatibility is necessary to make a relationship work in the long-term. You may be attracted to your partner's fire because you lack fire, but that isn't enough. Some level of compatibility is needed as well. Compatible moon signs are the best solution. 

Moons in the same sign or in the same element will assure compatibility. Compatible moons will give a strong base to hold a relationship together leaving you both free to enjoy the other differing elements in your charts that give your relationship the exciting spark of attraction.

Compatibility Without Attraction:Can't We Just be Friends...
Why are some people such great friends, but there's just no attraction?

Have you been in a relationship where a great friendship forms and you both want attraction, but it simply isn't there? You are both good looking, you get along so well, but there's no spark. Or a relationship where the attraction only goes one way? I'm attracted to you, but you're not attracted to me.

If there is no attraction at all, you may both have all of the same elements or even many of the same signs in your natal charts. There's nothing unique and intriguing to stir attraction. There is compatibility and that leads to a great friendship, but that's all.

If the attraction is only one way, then only one of you is satisfying the other's need for the lack of an element in their natal chart. They may give you the earth you lack, but you don't have the air they need. Therefore, you are attracted to them, but they aren't attracted to you.