The Libra Key to Happiness and Success

Libra, your greatest talent is creating your own world of beauty and peacefulness. You look beautiful, you are considerate, polite and your up-beat personality creates a sparkle in your eyes. All of this propels you in life. At work and in relationships you shine, but it comes at a price. You constantly sacrifice. Anger and frustration build up inside you because you put your good image before your real feelings. Your key to happiness and success lies in finding a healthy balance between being pleasantly nice and being able to honor your real feelings by expressing them in the moment. Because balance is another talent of yours.

Remember that Libra's symbol is the scales. This isn't too difficult for you. Yet, you constantly prefer to sacrifice your real feelings for the sake of peaceful relationships. You turn the other way and pretend you don't hear things that are offensive. You respond to criticism politely and look for middle ground in confrontations to quell the discord. Often, you have negative feelings brewing under your facade of cheerful positive energy. Learn to let some of these feelings out in the form of carefully constructed arguments. Sometimes you are more important than the relationship and some people will actually respect you more if you defend yourself more ardently.

You are the one sign who can truly find a balance between disagreeing passionately for yourself and agreeing charmingly for the relationship. Make sure you don't get lazy and just acquiesce to people for the sake of your good image. It will wear you down in the long run. You can still sparkle when you choose yourself first.