The Sagittarius Key to Happiness and Success

You can read people like no other sign. As a Sagittarius, you have the ability to read between the lines and to understand motivations. This understanding is power, but your key happiness and success lies in resisting the easy road that leads to squandering it. Your understanding entertains you. You chuckle to yourself when people think they are fooling you, but you see right through their words and into their intentions. People have no idea what they are getting into when they engage you in a debate.

Words are your weapon. You can use them to gain advantages, to manipulate or to inflict pain. But at heart, you are only interested in the truth, not games or schemes that propel you because you out-smarted someone. You are above using your power in the dark. The light of truth is all you need. Calling people out on their errors or lies is more rewarding than using your knowledge to secretly gain an advantage. You are happiest when you strip away the darkness of untruths and expose them to the light of reality. You shine when you follow this path. Yet, as a mutable sign, you often follow the path of least resistance, and get yourself into mischief.

As the one who metaphorically sits upon the highest mountain and therefore sees most clearly, it's easy to use your clarity of vision for entertainment rather than for success. As a Sagittarius you must fight against this dynamic, because in the end, it leads to pure laziness. It's a false sense of satisfaction. Remember that your abilities are your gift and using them in a career or to help other people, will make you truly shine.