The Fourth Sign of the Zodiac – Cancer – June 21 – July 22

Ruler: Moon, Color: Violet, Symbol: The Crab, Element: Water, Quality: Cardinal

The natural homebodies of the zodiac. Their emotions seem to carry them like the ocean tide, and their contradicting personality can confuse even their closest loved ones.

Cancers go through many phases during their lifetime. Their path through life is slow and steady, and more often than not, the first phase of their life is pretty rocky. The swarm of emotions going on inside them and their keen sensitivity does not help in this regard.

Cancers need to feel appreciated by the people around them. If not, then their emotions can overwhelm them and their imagination can turn dark and pessimistic.

These people may seem confident and in control on the outside due to their hard shell like exterior, but there is likely a hidden intergalactic war going on inside of them at the same time. Career wise, their active imagination and emotional depth can draw them to the arts and they often do well as musicians, writers, or artists. They have a strong need to feel safe and secure in life, finances included. Long term careers where they can utilize their powerful nurturing skills are also highly desired by these people, nursing for example.

Related: 25 Personality Quotes That Describe Exactly What It’s Like To Be A Cancer

Being at home is the bees knees to them and close friends, family, and loved ones only add to the joy. Cancers are naturally nurturing and generous to those around them, and those who gain their trust will likely get an extra helping of that generosity. However, it can be tough to get into a cancer’s inner circle of love when their shells are often so hard. They do not take rejection or disappointment well because of their sensitivity, and they take their time when it comes to making long term commitments.

In relationships they are usually loving, gentle, and caring. They want to be with someone who truly understands them on a deep level, perhaps even on a non-verbal level. They don’t want to always have to explain themselves, as they have a tough of enough time sorting out their own emotions as it is. They can sometimes become codependent or clingy to their partner, and they might also be the most likely to stay in a toxic relationship out of all of the zodiac signs (so be careful !).