25 Personality Quotes That Describe Exactly What It’s Like To Be A Cancer


Being a Cancer is complex. They're best known for being the most emotional iniduals of the zodiac, and they're not afraid to show it. Whether they are in a relationship or just spending time with friends, according to astrology, Cancers are all about sharing the love.

They want everyone in their life to know that they would do just about ANYTHING for them (so don't f**k with us).

Cancers can also be very protective of their friends and loved ones because they know better than anyone what it can feel like to be an outsider. Sure, this might make it hard for them to make new friends or get involved in a new relationship, but once they get to know you, you're part of their crew for LIFE.

Related: The Fourth Sign of the Zodiac – Cancer – June 21 – July 22

Some people might see their Cancer friends as intense, clingy types — mainly because it is hard for them to let go after a breakup or a falling out. But instead of seeing this as a weakness, appreciate your Cancer's big heart; she is a strong woman who loves you!

Watch Now: The Truth About Cancer

If you're a Cancer, then you know how hard it can be for others to see things your way, especially when you're trying to keep your emotions in check. Okay, yeah, they can get moody and a little touchy, but that doesn't mean you need to remind them to chill out. There's nothing wrong with being a feisty, confident woman.

So check out these quotes and see what it's like to live the (badass) life of a Cancer. Because THEY already know how perfect they are ... and they think YOU should know it too.

  • Cancer people seek retreat and solitude. Just like real crabs.
  • Most of the Cancerians you meet will be sober. In fact, they may be so sober you wish they would relax a little over a cocktail.
  • Subtlety is one of the chief qualities of Cancer.
  • Cancer seldom judges, however. He simply gathers, absorbs, reflects.

  • Cancers are good-hearted. They have good heads on their shoulders. Don't take advantage of that.
  • Cancer is a sort of mental archaeologist, always digging for more fascinating facts.
  • A camera molds memory into permanency for Cancerians, whose very minds are like sensitive film, recording every impression with vivid clarity.
  • Cancerians have such control of imagery, and their moods are so intense, they can make you feel them, too.
  • Cancers are Monchildren; totally influenced by the waxing and waning cycles of the Moon. Asking them to remain in one feeling, one mood, or one state of mind is pure insanity.
  • Cancer: Just like the moon, you shine in times of darkness.

  • Cancers can be very touch and go. One minute they want to tell you everything and the next minute they just want to be alone.
  • Cancer is a cardinal sign, which means Cancerians were born to take responsibility-to lead, not be led.
  • Cancer's are the best of both worlds: sometimes calm and chill and sometimes wild and wanna just party.

  • Cancer's vulnerability is carefully hidden, so the typical Cancerian reaction to hurt is to crawl inside the Crab shell and pout - or turn just plain crabby.
  • Romance is an integral part of sexual excitement and fulfillment for Cancer.
  • Cancer knows all about conservation. Waste not, want not.
  • They are intuitive and secretive ...

  • Cancerians have more secrets than J. Edgar Hoover, James Bond and Sherlock Holmes combined.
  • Cancers have a weird way of knowing things before you even say anything.
  • Cancerians like to keep secrets. They're not much for true confessions, unless you're the one doing the confessing.

  • What goes on in a Cancer head is very different from what they let you to the world.
  • There's a touch of Moon madness in every Cancerian. He knows a wild and secret place where two lilies and seven white roses grow among the iris.

  • Cancerians are all mothers at heart. Even the men.
  • The typical Cancerian male is a devotee of the finer things in life.
  • They are 'friends for life' literally

  • If you're ever in trouble, always turn to a Cancer. One of the most reliable of all of the star signs, Cancerians will always be there in a crisis with a compassionate ear.
  • Last but not the least ...

  • Cancers have a hard time saying goodbye.